“Obsolescent” vs. “Obsolete”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “obsolescent” and “obsolete”

  • The main difference between obsolescent and obsolete is the degree of usefulness or relevance. Obsolescent implies gradual decline, while obsolete suggests something is completely irrelevant.
  • Obsolescent things may still be in use, while obsolete things are no longer used at all.
  • Something that is obsolescent may still have some value, while something that is obsolete has no value.
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What is the definition of “obsolescent” and “obsolete”?

  • Obsolescent refers to something that is becoming outdated or approaching the end of its useful life.
  • It generally implies a slow, gradual decline in usefulness or relevance over time.
  • Something that is obsolescent may still be in use, but is likely to be replaced in the near future.
  • Obsolete refers to something that is no longer in use or has been replaced by something newer and better.
  • It implies that the item or idea is outdated to the point of being irrelevant or useless.
  • Something that is obsolete has been completely supplanted by a newer, better alternative.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Obsolete” is the more popular variant on the web.
823,000 results on the web
  1. The flip phone is now becoming obsolescent due to the rise of smartphones.
  2. The manual typewriter is a prime example of an obsolescent technology.
  3. The cassette tape has been obsolescent for years but can still be found in some thrift stores.
More popular
137,000,000 results on the web
  1. The fax machine is now a completely obsolete technology.
  2. The idea of using a payphone to make calls seems almost obsolete in today's world.
  3. The horse and buggy may have been a common mode of transportation in the past, but it is now completely obsolete.
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