“Cleanness” vs. “Cleanliness”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “cleanness” and “cleanliness”

  • "Cleanness" and "cleanliness" are essentially the same in meaning. Both terms refer to the state or quality of being clean, free from dirt, stains, or impurities.
  • They are often used interchangeably to describe the condition of personal hygiene, the cleanliness of a place or object, or the absence of dirt or pollution in an environment.
  • While "cleanliness" is more commonly used, "cleanness" is a less frequently employed variant of the same concept.
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What is the definition of “cleanness” and “cleanliness”?

  • Refers to the absence of dirt, dust, or stains.
  • Can also refer to an overall state of purity or innocence.
  • Often used in a literal sense, such as the cleanness of a room or car.
  • Refers to the quality of being clean or hygienic.
  • This can include personal hygiene, as well as the cleanliness of a space or object.
  • May also indicate a moral or ethical cleanliness.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Cleanliness” is the more popular variant on the web.
2,960,000 results on the web
  1. The housekeeper's standard for cleanness is very high.
  2. There is a certain cleanness to the minimalist design of the apartment.
  3. Over one's lifetime, a person's level of cleanness might vary.
More popular
109,000,000 results on the web
  1. Good hygiene leads to improved cleanliness and less illness.
  2. The bathroom's cleanliness was questionable, causing unease among guests.
  3. The cleaning staff ensured the cleanliness of the hotel room.
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