“Deduct” vs. “Adduce”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “deduct” and “adduce”

  • Deduct is subtracting or taking away, while adduce is citing or presenting as evidence.
  • Deduct is related to accounting and finances, while adduce is related to legal proceedings and academic writing.
  • Deduct involves reducing a total, while adducing involves supporting or defending an argument.
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What is the definition of “deduct” and “adduce”?

  • To deduct means to subtract or take away a certain amount or percentage from a total.
  • It is often used in accounting when calculating taxes or expenses.
  • You can also deduct expenses from your income in order to reduce the amount of taxes you owe.
  • To adduce means to cite or present as evidence or proof for an argument or claim.
  • It is often used in legal proceedings or academic writing.
  • Adducing evidence can help strengthen a case or argument.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Deduct” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
30,000,000 results on the web
  1. I will deduct the cost of your meal from the total bill.
  2. The company will deduct taxes from your paycheck each month.
  3. The landlord will deduct the repair costs from the security deposit.
3,130,000 results on the web
  1. The lawyer was able to adduce sufficient evidence to prove his client's innocence.
  2. The scientist was able to adduce reasons for why the experiment failed.
  3. The historian was able to adduce primary sources to support her thesis.
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