“Lessen” vs. “Lesson”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “lessen” and “lesson”

  • "Lessen" refers to a decrease in size or intensity, while "lesson" refers to a unit of instruction or learning
  • "Lessen" is often used in the context of reducing pain or stress, while "lesson" is used in the context of teaching or education
  • "Lessen" is a verb, while "lesson" is a noun.
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What is the definition of “lessen” and “lesson”?

  • To make something smaller or decrease in intensity
  • Can refer to physical or emotional pain
  • Often used in the context of alleviating stress or anxiety
  • A unit of instruction or learning
  • Can refer to a specific activity or task designed to teach a particular skill or concept
  • Often used in the context of formal education or training programs

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Lesson” is the more popular variant on the web.
91,200,000 results on the web
  1. I hope this medicine can lessen the pain.
  2. The company decided to lessen their employees' workload.
  3. His apology didn't lessen the hurt he caused me.
More popular
755,000,000 results on the web
  1. The teacher prepared a fun lesson for her students.
  2. The most important lesson I learned is to never give up.
  3. It's easier to learn a lesson when you listen to other people's experiences.
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