“Base” vs. “Basis”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “base” and “basis”

  • "Base" refers to a physical or tangible entity, while "basis" refers to an abstract or conceptual one.
  • "Base" often connotes a more concrete or specific concept, while "basis" can refer to a broader or more general idea.
  • "Base" can have a more literal meaning in certain contexts, such as in architecture or sports, while "basis" is more commonly used in academic or intellectual settings.
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What is the definition of “base” and “basis”?

  • A foundation or supporting part on which something rests.
  • A main ingredient or part of something that gives it structure or stability.
  • A military stronghold or center of operations.
  • The underlying principle or fundamental reason for something.
  • A starting point or foundation for reasoning or analysis.
  • The set of conditions or facts that support or explain something.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Base” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
4,130,000,000 results on the web
  1. The building's base was made of sturdy concrete.
  2. She used the cake base to create a layered dessert.
  3. The company's operations were centered at their headquarters base in New York.
2,130,000,000 results on the web
  1. The study was conducted on the basis of previous research.
  2. The athlete's success was on the basis of their rigorous training regimen.
  3. The company's pricing strategy was developed on the basis of market research.
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