“Depraved” vs. “Deprived”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “depraved” and “deprived”

  • The main difference between depraved and deprived is that depraved refers to a lack of moral values or ethics, while deprived refers to a lack of essential resources or conditions.
  • Depraved refers to a person or behavior that is morally corrupt, while deprived refers to a state of lacking something, usually something necessary.
  • While depraved behavior is a conscious choice, deprivation is often a result of external circumstances beyond one's control.
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What is the definition of “depraved” and “deprived”?

  • Depraved refers to a morally corrupt or wicked individual or act.
  • It can also refer to something that is morally corrupt or wicked.
  • Depraved behavior is often characterized by a lack of empathy or concern for others.
  • Deprived refers to someone or something that is lacking or in need of something essential.
  • It can also refer to someone or something that is disadvantaged or has been stripped of something necessary.
  • Deprivation can result from a variety of factors, including poverty, discrimination, or physical or emotional trauma.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Deprived” is the more popular variant on the web.
23,200,000 results on the web
  1. The depraved criminal showed no remorse for his heinous actions.
  2. His depraved mind was disturbed and fixated on violence.
  3. The depraved behavior of the cult leader led to the harm of many followers.
More popular
110,000,000 results on the web
  1. The children in the orphanage were deprived of their basic needs, including food and shelter.
  2. Growing up in poverty, she was deprived of many opportunities that could have changed her life.
  3. The isolated island was deprived of modern technology and medical facilities.
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