“Among” vs. “Between”: What’s the Difference?

A line illustration of two people with their mouth open, and a giant question mark between them.

The difference between “among” and “between”

  • "Among" can be used in reference to groups of two or more, whereas "between" is only used to refer to two people or things.
  • "Among" is a preposition, while "between" can be either a preposition or an adverb.
  • "Among" may suggest inclusivity within a group, while "between" can imply exclusivity or a sense of separation between two people or things.
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What is the definition of “among” and “between”?

  • "Among" refers to more than two people or things.
  • It is used to describe a group of people or things that are in a particular location or category.
  • It suggests a sense of inclusivity within a group.
  • "Between" is used to describe a relationship or comparison between two people or things.
  • It is used to signify a distance or separation between two people or things.
  • It suggests a sense of exclusivity.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Between” is the more popular variant on the web.
3,690,000,000 results on the web
  1. Among the many applicants, she stood out with her impressive qualifications.
  2. The book was hidden among the pile of old papers.
  3. The teacher distributed the candy among the students who completed their assignments on time.
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  1. The friendship between them was evident in their care for each other.
  2. The car swerved dangerously between lanes, causing a commotion on the road.
  3. Negotiations between the two countries were stalled due to disagreements.
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