“Extol” vs. “Exalt”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “extol” and “exalt”

  • The main difference between extol and exalt is that extol refers to praising someone or something highly, while exalt can refer to glorifying or giving higher levels of power to someone or something.
  • Another difference between extol and exalt is that exalt can refer to elevating oneself, whereas extol is mostly used to describe praising others.
  • Finally, exalt can also refer to elevating something from a lower position to a higher one, while extol only refers to elevating something to be worthy of praise.
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What is the definition of “extol” and “exalt”?

  • To praise highly or enthusiastically.
  • To express approval or admiration for someone or something.
  • To elevate someone or something to be worthy of praise.
  • To praise someone or something enthusiastically.
  • To glorify or raise to a higher level of importance or power.
  • Exalt can also refer to elevating something from a lower position to a higher one.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Exalt” is the more popular variant on the web.
6,750,000 results on the web
  1. As her biggest fan, I always extol my sister's talents as a writer.
  2. The company's website extols the virtues of their product, but in reality, it's just average.
  3. Many fans extol the virtues of the band's latest album, calling it a masterpiece.
More popular
11,700,000 results on the web
  1. The king's coronation ceremony was meant to exalt him to the position of a divine ruler.
  2. She was exalted as the hero of the company after she successfully led the team through a difficult project.
  3. We should exalt the efforts of those who work hard to make the world a better place.
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