“Many” vs. “Much”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “many” and “much”

  • "Many" is used with countable nouns, while "much" is used with uncountable nouns.
  • "Many" suggests a quantity, while "much" suggests an amount or extent.
  • "Many" can be used with singular or plural nouns, while "much" is used only with singular nouns.
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What is the definition of “many” and “much”?

  • The word "many" is used to refer to a large number of countable objects or people.
  • It is often used to indicate a quantity of more than one.
  • It is used with countable nouns like pens, books, cars, and computers.
  • The word "much" is used to refer to a large quantity of uncountable things.
  • It suggests a considerable amount or a great extent.
  • It is used with singular uncountable nouns such as time, money, and water.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Many” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
8,940,000,000 results on the web
  1. Many students struggle with math.
  2. There are many different types of flowers in the garden.
  3. Many people attended the concert last night.
8,050,000,000 results on the web
  1. There isn't much time left before the deadline.
  2. The recipe calls for much more flour than I expected.
  3. He doesn't have much experience in this field.
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