“Mature” vs. “Ripe”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “mature” and “ripe”

  • "Mature" refers to personal growth and development, while "ripe" refers to a physical state of readiness.
  • Maturity is often associated with emotional intelligence, while ripeness is associated with physical attributes such as color, texture, and taste.
  • A person can become mature over time, but a fruit or vegetable becomes ripe at a specific moment in time.
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What is the definition of “mature” and “ripe”?

  • Being mature means being fully developed physically or mentally.
  • It also refers to someone who is sensible, responsible, and able to handle hardships.
  • Maturity is a state of emotional readiness and self-awareness.
  • "Ripe" means that something is fully developed and ready to be picked or eaten.
  • It is often used to describe a fruit or vegetable that has reached its peak of cultivation.
  • "Ripe" can also describe a situation or opportunity that is ready to be taken advantage of.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Mature” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
1,360,000,000 results on the web
  1. She has a mature way of looking at life that is beyond her years.
  2. The trees in the forest were so mature that their branches nearly touched the ground.
  3. It takes time and experience to become a mature and seasoned professional.
109,000,000 results on the web
  1. The fruit is ripe and ready to be harvested.
  2. Her talent as a musician was ripe for recognition by the music industry.
  3. The air was so thick with the scent of ripe flowers that it almost seemed like a perfume.
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