A legend is a traditional story that usually centers around a specific individual or hero, while myths tend to focus on broader cultural beliefs or phenomena.
Legends are often rooted in some degree of historical truth, while myths are more often rooted in religion or spirituality.
Legends typically have some moral or ethical lesson, while myths are meant to explain the workings of the universe or the nature of the gods.
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What is the definition of “legend” and “myth”?
A legend is a traditional story or tale that is often centered around a particular person or hero.
It often has elements of truth mixed with fiction, and it is often passed down orally from one generation to another.
Legends are often considered to have some historical basis and are usually used to convey a moral lesson or explain a particular phenomenon.
A myth is a traditional story that explains the beliefs, customs, or natural phenomena of a particular culture or society.
It is typically imbued with supernatural beings or events that cannot be explained through rational means.
Unlike legends, myths often do not have a historical basis and are usually not considered to be accurate historical accounts.
Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?
“Legend” is the more popular variant on the web.
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884,000,000 results on the web
The legend of King Arthur has enchanted generations of readers.
According to legend, the Loch Ness monster can be seen in the Scottish highlands.
Have you heard of the legend of El Dorado?
262,000,000 results on the web
The myth of the Minotaur tells the story of a half-man, half-bull creature that lived in a labyrinth.
Despite being disproved by science, many people still believe the myth that vaccines cause autism.
The ancient Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone explains the changing of the seasons.
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