“Army” vs. “Troops”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “army” and “troops”

  • An army typically refers to a large organized force composed of various units, while troops refer to one unit of individual soldiers serving together.
  • An army is often responsible for maintaining order and security within a nation, while troops are usually deployed for specific missions or tasks.
  • The term "army" implies a more formal, hierarchical structure, while "troops" can encompass a range of military groups from formal units to irregular militias.
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What is the definition of “army” and “troops”?

  • An organized military force typically composed of ground troops, vehicles, and artillery.
  • A branch of the armed forces responsible for maintaining public order and security within a nation.
  • A large body of people or things organized for a specific purpose.
  • Soldiers or armed forces personnel serving together in a unit.
  • A group of people, animals, or things moving together.
  • A detachment or unit of soldiers organized for a specific task or mission.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Army” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
991,000,000 results on the web
  1. The army was called in to help with disaster relief efforts.
  2. After completing basic training, the army recruit was deployed overseas.
  3. The army marched through the city in a display of force and unity.
251,000,000 results on the web
  1. The troops were ordered to hold their position until backup arrived.
  2. Exhausted after weeks of intense combat, the troops quickly fell asleep at night.
  3. The troops were commended for their bravery during the mission.
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