“Allow” vs. “Permit”: What’s the Difference?

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The difference between “allow” and “permit”

  • "Allow" is more informal and implies a more casual sense of permission than "permit."
  • "Permit" (verb) often involves a greater level of official authorization than "allow."
  • Using "permit" can imply a greater degree of responsibility or accountability for the person or entity granting permission.
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What is the definition of “allow” and “permit”?

  • To give permission or consent for something to happen.
  • Implies that the action being permitted is not necessarily desired but deemed acceptable.
  • Can be used to indicate a level of leniency or flexibility in a situation.
  • To officially authorize or give approval for something to happen.
  • Implies that the action being permitted is legally authorized.
  • Can involve the issuance of a license or other legal document.

Which is the more popular variant on the Internet?

“Allow” is the more popular variant on the web.
More popular
5,100,000,000 results on the web
  1. My parents will allow me to stay up late this weekend.
  2. The teacher allowed students to use their textbooks for the text.
  3. The company policy does not allow employees to use social media during work hours.
619,000,000 results on the web
  1. The city will permit the construction of a new shopping center.
  2. The museum does not permit photography inside the exhibits.
  3. The immigration officer will only permit foreign visitors with valid passports.
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